Babylon City Market

Call Now and place your order 

(916) 486-7777


Babylon City specializes in fresh made breads and pastries. We are dedicated to providing your family with the most nutritious and best tasting products available. We bake all our products like they are baked in the Middle East; by hand, using all-natural ingredients. We never use artificial chemicals or preservatives in any of our products. Our products taste better, and are better for you, than those mass-produced breads purchased from the grocery store.

The key difference between Babylon City bread and other breads, even some organic breads is that we don’t use vital wheat gluten. While vital wheat gluten is a “natural” source, which is why the mass producers can still call it natural or organic, it isn’t a natural amount of gluten. It is a super condensed version of gluten that allows them to use cheaper flours and get fluffier loaves. At Babylon City we don’t add vital wheat gluten to any of our products, and many people tell us that our breads make them feel good. That is the difference between our recipes and others.


Family-owned and community focused, Babylon Deli serves guests in the Greater Sacramento area. Around here, a lot of thought goes into what we put in our food, and what we take out of it. We were one of the first restaurant groups to remove artificial trans fats from our food. If we wouldn’t serve it to our families, we’re not going to serve it to yours.


When you’re hungry for the traditional flavors of the Middle East, India, Pakistan, Turkey, and Asia, you will find it all at Babylon City Market. We are proud to have one of the best-stocked Middle Eastern (Ziyad brand) and Indian/Pakistani (Sadaf brand) grocery stores in the Greater Sacramento area. We have everything from spices and lentils to cookies and snacks.


Fresh grocery available everyday at low price. Tomatoes always $0.75lb


Make sure you’re feeding your family only the best halal meats. We offer a wide variety of halal meat, including chicken, beef, and lamb as well as goat, turkey, and veal. Everything is fresh and cut to order. You can see our halal certificate in the store.

Visit Us

1745 Watt Ave
Sacramento CA, 95825
(916) 486-7777












